At Packard, we understand the importance of quality Medical Management. Early triage and intervention is a key factor in saving costs relating to early treatment and Return to Work and Stay at Work programs. Studies consistently show that immediate contact and proper care management is a crucial element in lowering your overall costs. More importantly, our Nurse Case Managers are our own employees. Our Adjuster to Nurse Case Manager Ratio is 2:1. Our Adjusters sit side by side with your Nurse Case Managers and together, they work to develop viable strategies to ensure prompt and proper care and treatment, a Stay at Work focus, close contact with providers and specialists and clear communication with your injured employee. We believe that by making the investment in a strong Medical Management program, we can deliver cost saving results to our valued clients.
California Law requires the employer to provide and pay for medical treatment if employees are injured at work.
SPLI is pleased to provide this medical care through a Medical Provider Network approved by the California Division of Workers’ Compensation.
A Medical Provider Network (MPN) is a group of healthcare providers used to treat employees injured on the job.
Packard MPN Documents (Effective date 04/01/2017):
For additional information about the MPN, assistance with accessing the network, or to alert us about an invalid provider listing, please contact the MPN Access Specialist at (877) 854-3353 or email